Welcome back to Written in Blood, a Wicked Horror interview series featuring novelists and screenwriters specializing in genre output. When it comes to Goosebumps, author R.L. Stine has something in c...
R.L. Stine’s teen horror series Fear Street focused on the town of Shadyside as it was plagued by serial killers, ghosts, and monsters. Most of the people of Shadyside believe the hamlet was cur...
Perhaps the most infamous entry in the Fear Street franchise is The Best Friend, a story of gaslighting and manipulation many refer to as “Single White Female on Fear Street.” Fans hated t...
High profile artist Mark Garro is known in the YA horror community for being one of the cover artists who worked on Ghosts of Fear Street. Alongside Broeck Steadman, John Youssi, Jim Ludtke, Happy Boy...
Sometimes one reads a story, and it it makes little to no impact. But when given a second chance, something clicks and it ends up becoming a beloved favorite. That was the case with me and my copies o...
With the successful release of the Fear Street trilogy on Netflix, I thought now would be a good time to discuss these three Fear Street titles that got lost to the ages. Maybe “lost”...
Out of the entire Fear Street series, Part Three – 1666 was the most intriguing, at face value. This time period remains curiously under-explored in horror, particularly recently, aside from Ro...
Fear Street: Part Two – 1978, in keeping with its predecessor, kicks off with yet another obnoxious needle drop. This one, “The Man Who Sold the World,” from Nirvana’s belo...
Fear Street Part 1: 1994 arrives heavy with expectation. A loose adaptation of the beloved R.L. Stine teen novel series of the same name – a more grown-up accompaniment to Goosebumps – t...