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horror films

The Boy

Review: The Boy Knows When to Break the Rules

A film in the vein of such doll-come-to-life films as Pin and Child’s Play, The Boy follows the story of a nanny traveling to the United Kingdom to take care of a new charge. However, once she arrives...

Waxwork - Seven Movies With Unexpectedly Great Scores

Cheesy Good Memories: The Bizarre Appeal of Vestron Pictures

Growing up in the video store days, obsessing over every title in the aisles, even if I’ve still never seen some of them to this day, I would start to notice things after awhile that most people don’t...

Imaginary friends from films

Here’s What Your Favorite Horror Kids Are Doing Now

When you watch horror as a kid, you relate to the kids you’re seeing onscreen. It’s an immediate focus point. A child watches The Shining from Danny’s perspective, because they understand what that ki...

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark

Seven Stories We’d Love to See in the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark Movie

Any horror fan who grew up in the 1990’s will probably tell you that Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark was a primary source of fear for them as a child. Sure, we were living in the heyday of Goosebump...

Jordan Ladd in Brentwood Strangler

Exclusive Interview: Jordan Ladd Talks Brentwood Strangler

Jordan Ladd is an actress who has been making her rounds in the horror field for the past decade or so in features like Cabin Fever, Club Dread, Hostel II, Death Proof and Paul Solet’s incredible film...

MEG - Oceanic Horror - Steve Alten - Nightstalkers

Why Oceanic Horror is a Subgenre Worth Diving Into

Everyone remembers the first time they saw Jaws, whether they watched it during its initial theatrical run or just scrolled by it on the SyFy Channel one day. It was a hugely impactful, influential pi...

The atticus institute

Nicola’s Top Five Horror Movies Of 2015!

I sometimes feel like people are too fussy when it comes to horror movies nowadays. Sometimes, trying to get a good word about any of them is like trying to get blood out of stone. 2015 saw an abundan...

Nat’s Bottom Five Horror Movies of 2015

There are always going to be the horror movies that just don’t do it for you. It’s something that’s pretty unavoidable. We can talk quality all day, but a huge chunk of our opinions on film, TV, etc. ...

the craft - Feminism in the craft

Seven Reasons Why The Craft Still Holds Up

We’re swiftly approaching two decades since the release of The Craft. 2016 will mark the 20th anniversary of a film that’s proven to be one of the most remembered horror hits of its decade. And that’s...