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horror films

Sympathy for the Devil Will Make You Carsick [Review]

Even a bad Nic Cage movie is still a good Nic Cage movie. Such is the case with Sympathy for the Devil, a completely useless, plodding non-entity of a film masquerading as a thriller in which the prem...


Seven Horror Movies Where Terror Unfolds in Broad Daylight

Who says a good horror flick requires darkness? There is undoubtedly a distinctive quality to nighttime in movies, but it doesn’t always have to be that way. This list consists of seven horror g...

Quicksand is a Ruthlessly Efficient Single-Location Thriller [Review]

When we were kids, quicksand seemed like an actual problem we’d have to contend with as adults and, in a way, it’s kind of disappointing that it isn’t. The quicksand featured in Q...

Halloween II 1981

How ‘Halloween II’ Was Shaped by the Early Slashers (Which Were Shaped by its Predecessor)

While Halloween II is consistent with the first and is overall a very similar film, it was made in a completely different climate and that surely has an effect on the movie itself. This was made the s...

Horror Performances by A-List Actors Misery 1990 - Horror movies with an incredibly simple premise

Seven Great Horror Films With an Incredibly Simple Premise

We tend to make fun of horror movies for being a little too simple or not containing much in the way of plot. But the fact is that some of the best horror movies of all time are among the most simplis...

10 Years Later, ‘Hatchet 3’ Remains One of the Most Entertaining Horror Threequels

For Hatchet 3, series creator Adam Green handed the directing reins over to his camera operator from the previous two movies, BJ McDonnell, while retaining the sole screenwriting credit. It was a smar...

House 1986

Why House is a Quirky, Absurdly Charming Ghost Story

It’s hard to make a ghost story that’s different. More than most other sub-genres in horror, ghost stories rely on very similar tropes and structure in order to work. Most of them are se...

‘Brooklyn 45’ is Strongest in Its Quietest Moments [Review]

Sometimes, all you need for a film to work is to put a group of great actors in a room together and let them do their thing. Such is the case with Brooklyn 45, the latest feature from writer-director ...

Demon Knight

Why Demon Knight Still Holds Up After More Than 25-Years!

After five successful seasons on television, the creative team behind HBO’s Tales from the Crypt decided it was time for a new feature film. Given that there had been a Tales from the Crypt fea...