This past weekend, the first trailer for The Quiet Room was released on social platforms, shared by two of the actors in the film, Brian McCook and Justin Honard; better known as RuPaul...
Blind Date is a short horror feature written and directed by Rob Rotondo, who is no stranger to the scene. While Blind Date is his first writing and directing credit, Rotondo has previously worked as ...
Freddy Vs. Jason, King Kong Vs. Godzilla, Sharktopus Vs. Whalewolf. Movie history is peppered with gargantuan battles between two almighty, unstoppable foes, fighting to the death as cities crumble ar...
Jordan Ladd is an actress who has been making her rounds in the horror field for the past decade or so in features like Cabin Fever, Club Dread, Hostel II, Death Proof and Paul Solet’s incredib...
Given the current Hollywood trend of refusing to give money to anyone besides the likes of Michael Bay, short films are fast becoming the go-to method for up-and-coming filmmakers to show off what the...