With the sudden influx of world-ending weather, most of us are looking forward to spending the foreseeable future hiding underneath a blanket with a hot water bottle strapped to each leg. The followin...
[soliloquy id=”18629″] Directed by Tara Anaise, Dark Mountain, is a movie just for lovers of found footage cinema. It starts off very Blair Witch-esque with a hysterical women crying...
January 22nd marks actress Linda Blair’s 56th birthday, and although her roles have slowed down considerably, she’s still plugging away in an industry that would have chewed up and spit ...
Horror is expanding as a genre. Although your local multiplex is peppered with the usual contenders, look a bit closer at the schedule and you’ll find the latest drama, thriller, or crime offeri...
Today brings word from IFC Midnight that their horror-sci-fi-thriller Ejecta is headed for select theaters and video on demand outlets next month. Details on that and more after the break. T...
Since the massive success of Marvel’s The Avengers, every studio and franchise is trying to capitalize on its model for success. What Marvel did with its movies leading up to Avengers was unpre...
A few days ago, we took a look at the long and sordid history of the Tales from the Crypt franchise, which began with the line of EC Comics in late 1949-early 1950. The original series only lasted for...
[soliloquy id=”16989″] When Hammer, legendary film studio and proponents of the great Christopher Lee as Dracula, first announced plans to adapt popular stage show The Woman In Black (itse...
Welcome to Cult Corner where we dive through the bargain bins to determine if a movie is trash or treasure. Today’s pick…Bob Keen’s Proteus. I don’t know where to begin with th...