The Siren follows Tom (Evan Dumouchel of Doctor Sleep), a man who has lost his ability to speak by way of an unfortunate accident. While visiting a lake house, Tom encounters Al (MacLeod Andrews ...
Demon Squad follows Nick Moon (Khristian Fulmer, The Night Shift), a paranormal private investigator and his new hired hand Daisy O’Reilly (Erin Lilley, The Night Shift). Nick quickly real...
The news about the release of The Grudge (2020) came as a surprise because I really didn’t think this was a story worth retelling (again). During 2000-2010, there was an influx of Asian films re...
Figures like Sasquatch and the Chupacabra are more commonly recognized urban legends. But there are numerous lesser known monsters that haunt various parts of the United States. For instance, the Bunn...
MOMO: The Missouri Monster is another title from Small Town Monsters, the production company that made Terror in the Skies. While I had a generalized critique of the presentation of indigenous populat...
Terror in the Skies is a Cryptid (an animal that may or may not exist, like Big foot, Chupacabra, etc) documentary that revolves around accounts of gigantic flying creatures in Illinois...
Welcome to Blood on my Sofa! Each month I will be providing you with a movie recommendation. It won’t be just any movie, but a movie I watched during the previous month that really rocked my wor...
There exists a place that no rational person would willingly go to. Unidentified flying objects, cattle mutilations and long extinct animals all claim the Skinwalker Ranch as home. The ranch is a veri...
The Housemaid is a ghost story told against the backdrop of a war-torn country filled with horrors very much of the real world. The setting is French-occupied Vietnam in 1953. As the film opens, a you...