Three years after the conclusion of Chuck Palahniuk’s unexpected sequel, Fight Club 2, Tyler Durden is still the only constant. Following a climax as meta as it was jarring, Fight Club 3 a...
Endings are hard. No one quite knows what to say at a big goodbye, whether it be the end of a relationship or a funeral. It’s equally difficult to close out a story in a satisfying way, with so...
I was down on War Bears in my first two reviews (which you can read here and here). Those issues moved slowly, almost meandering with no sense of an endgame despite the series only having three instal...
Like he did in the first two issues, Evan Dorkin continues explaining the lore of The Beasts of Burden universe in Beasts of Burden: Wise Dogs and Eldritch Men #3. He uses the Wise-Dog-in-Training, Mi...
There aren’t many characters in fiction who deserve a happy ending as much as Luna Brewster, yet she’s riddled with bullet holes on the cover of She Could Fly #4. What happens on covers ...
Some writers stay in one genre for the whole career. They find what they’re good, where they excel, and stick to their strengths. Others flit between them. No one else switches genres quite as ...
Beasts of Burden: Wise Dogs and Eldritch Men #2 picks up where the last one left off. Dempsey injuries were worse than he’d led on, so Lundy leads the Wise Dogs to a friendly veterinarian. Thro...
Batman: Damned is out now from DC Comics and if this first issue is anything to go by, this is a dark, psychological and often horrific look at the dark knight and the world around him. This is the bo...
In 2012 I flew from Hartford to Chicago for the Association of Writers and Writing Program’s annual conference. I was a senior in college and I’d never flown alone before. The trip would...