In the 1980s, the horror genre experienced immense cultural backlash. Parents groups, religious groups, critics and especially censorship committees fought back against the genre as hard as they could...
The greatest thing about the Child’s Play franchise can also be one of the most alienating things to fans, and that’s the fact that every entry is a completely different kind of movie th...
Stephen King can make just about any idea work on the page, no matter how ridiculous it actually is. But sometimes those ideas don’t always translate well to film. Sometimes they’re not ...
Halloween III is far from the most beloved of its franchise, but it has gained quite a few new supporters in recent years. A lot of fans hate it for its lack of Michael Myers and for having ...
Ed Gein is one of the most notorious names in American history. He was not, conclusively, a serial killer. He killed only two people that we know of for certain with a third victim being widely accept...
I was eight years old when Buffy the Vampire Slayer premiered. It worked out in a funny way. By pure coincidence, my dad came home with the movie solely because he found the title hilarious. It became...
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is one of the most infamous, endearing horror films in history. It has lasted for 40 years, and by this point it’s probably safe to say that it will probably never ...
Candyman might honestly go down as one of the best horror films of all time. It’s certainly one of the very best of its decade. It starts with such a simple premise—basically the most st...
Ten years later, The Mist still proves to be one of the most divisive Stephen King adaptations. I can understand that, too. It has a lot to live up to, given that it’s from the director of The ...