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A drawing of a man in a mask holding a knife.

How Ice Nine Kills and The Weeknd Use Horror to Elevate Their Music

Music can make us feel things. There’s love songs, sad songs, and party songs all for this reason. However, music can also make us feel uneasy or even terrified. Think of your favorite horror movie–wo...

Motel Hell Remake

Motel Hell is a Smart, Satirical Horror Movie

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is the quintessential barbecue horror movie, if such a thing exists. TCM is a benchmark in the wide spectrum of food industry horror. There’s so much horror already appare...

They Live

They Live Is Still Just as Relevant 35-Years Later

Socioeconomic disparity, unemployment,  oppressive government and police violence. No, I am not talking about the world today. I am talking about John Carpenters seminal classic They Live. Celebrating...

My Boyfriend's Back

Lukewarm Heart: The Charming Absurdity of My Boyfriend’s Back

In the late ‘80s and early ‘90s, something amazing started to happen. The teenage-themed horror movies of the ‘50s were basically getting reimagined and rebranded as teen comedies. It’s not something ...


How ‘Aliens’ Perfected Action-Horror (And Why it’s So Hard to Get Right)

Aliens is a classic. Whether you consider it part of the horror, science fiction, or action genre, that fact is pretty much undisputed. To this day, fans continue to debate as to whether or not the fi...

Amityville II

Why ‘Amityville II’ is the Most Effective of the Franchise

The Amityville Horror may be the most infamous haunted house movie ever made. It’s tied to a supposedly true story that may never be lived down. There are new documentaries and specials airing about i...


Why Fulci’s Zombie is the Distilled Essence of Zombie Cinema

It’s a movie of many, many titles. Over thirty years, it’s been known as Zombi 2, Zombie Flesh Eaters, Zombie Dawn of the Dead and more, but the American title Zombie—while the most simple—may also be...

Jennifer's Body

Hell is a Teenage Girl [Why Jennifer’s Body is Severely Underrated!

When it comes to discussing favorite horror movies, it’s normal to hear titles like Psycho, Halloween, and Friday the 13th as part of the conversation. But, rarely do you hear modern, more conte...

The Hitcher Rutger Hauer

Why ‘The Hitcher’ is Still Going Strong After More than 35-Years

1986 was a really good year for horror. It gave us some of the best fun, witty, smartly balanced horror comedies of the decade with Night of the Creeps and Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives. But it...