A family finds an old camera and a series of videotapes in their new home. The tapes show bizarre and frightening acts and the camera evidently has the ability to detect the entities lurking all aroun...
As a diehard fan of horror movies I am more than willing to put up with cheesy nuances, terrible acting, and stupid plot lines. To me, the climax of any horror film is incomparable to that of any othe...
Aside from eschewing the usual found footage format usually utilised by those pushing an exorcism-themed flick upon us, The Vatican Tapes seems, on paper, like yet another exercise in extreme boredom/...
The Gallows follows a group of high school students staging the revival of the titular play. The only problem is that the last time their school put on a production of The Gallows, one of th...
The ’90s was an interesting decade for horror. It stumbled a bit in the first half and became insanely commercial in the second half. Each end of the spectrum was covered with very little i...
Wicked Horror recently had the opportunity to speak with The Gallows co-directors Travis Cluff and Chris Lofing. The pair gave us the lowdown on how their micro budget film was picked up for...
As you may already know, the popular ‘Amateur Night’ segment from the found footage anthology horror film VHS will be getting a feature length adaptation. The project has already...
Found footage movies keep on coming. They seem to be finally dying down, perhaps, but it’s a small dent in the boom that has persisted over the past several years. Everyone blames Paranorm...
Wicked Horror ran a review of Unfriended on opening weekend (original review) and rated the film fairly negatively. But back with a second opinion is Joey Keogh, who will mak...