In this monthly series, a Wicked Horror writer presents an unpopular opinion about a particular genre offering and asks the oft-repeated question, “Is it just me?” In this installment,&n...
The Nightlight Movie is the recently released, first person perspective feature film by the writing and directing team behind Bluebox Limited, Bryan Woods and Scott Beck. Although the two have be...
Found footage might be all the rage right now, but that doesn’t mean that it’s new. Most trends in horror aren’t. The genre just moves in cycles. The concept of a film shot in a P...
Let’s face it, found footage lost its edge roughly twenty seconds after the release of its seminal feature, The Blair Witch Project. However, that didn’t stop every opportunistic wannabe a...
More than 15 years after the release of one of the most influential horror films of all time, a documentary chronicling the production of the phenomenon that is The Blair Witch Project ...
Directed by Dan T. Hall, Asylum: The Lost Footage, isn’t sure what type of movie it is. It has schizophrenic tendencies–switching from documentary-style interviews to found footage to nor...
If you want to get someone to watch a horror movie, even if they don’t particularly like the genre, tell them it’s based on a true story. Then they’ll want to watch, they ...
Directed by Adam Robitel, The Taking of Deborah Logan (also known as The Taking), is a possession movie with a twist. Ph.D. student Mia Medina (Michelle Ang- Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son) is maki...
The found footage genre is alive and well in 2014 – a genre that itself has spanned a series of sub-genres within itself. Hangar 10 is a British sci-fi thriller output that does not work as...