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salvage violence

Cult Corner: Salvage (2006)

Welcome to Cult Corner where we dive through the bargain bins to determine if a movie is trash or treasure. Today’s pick… the Crook Brothers’ Salvage. This is a difficult review for...

Catching Up: The Tomorrows #3 & 4

Now that we’re four issues into The Tomorrows I feel like I finally have a grasp on what writer Curt Pires is going for. While the second issue felt like a big disconnected departure, this is a...

Howl [FrightFest Review]

Special effects maestro turned horror director Paul Hyett (The Seasoning House) returns to the genre with Howl, essentially An American Werewolf In London crossed with Stalled. The flick takes place, ...

Curtain [FrightFest 2015 Review]

As kooky premises go, a haunted shower curtain–or rather a mysterious vortex hidden behind bathroom tiles that sucks shower curtains into  it–is among the most bizarre imaginable. Ent...

Bite [Frightfest 2015 Review]

Along with The Hallow, Bite was THE must-watch movie of Frightfest 2015, its reputation for making punters vomit and pass out preceding it and leaving body horror fans salivating with anticipation. Bi...

Performances Demon Knight

Blu-ray Review: Tales from the Crypt Presents: Demon Knight

Demon Knight finds a man who is being stalked by a demon taking refuge in a low-rent motel. When the demon and its brethren catch up to the man, things become particularly dicey for him and ...

Night of the Living Deb

Night Of The Living Deb May be Even More Fun than Shaun of the Dead [Review]

Shaun Of The Dead is an institution. For a director to come right out and openly describe his movie as a female version of it is not just brave, it’s downright cocky. Thankfully, Night Of The Li...

Bordello of Blood

Tales from the Crypt Presents: Bordello of Blood [Blu-Ray Review]

Two guys looking for a little action, visit a bordello, only to learn that it is run by a clan of bloodthirsty vampires. When the boys don’t return from their night out, a private investigator i...

Most Likely To Die [Frightfest 2015 Review]

Decent slasher movies are hard to come by, particularly in the torture and paranormal activity obsessed noughties. Most Likely To Die, the latest feature from popular horror director Anthony DiBlasi (...