The Rabid Dog’s House is a recurring feature at Wicked Horror where contributor Justin Steele uncovers hidden gems, lost classics, and overlooked indie offerings. Flying solo or with his c...
“Remake” is a dirty word in horror, to the extent the recent re-imagining of Eli Roth’s execrable Cabin Fever led to much pearl clutching throughout the community (as though the o...
The Night, the latest offering from Iranian filmmaker Kourosh Ahari (The Yellow Wallpaper, Generations), is the first film produced in America to get a theatrical release in Iran since the country...
If given the choice between a horror or science fiction film, nine times out of ten, I’ll select the horror flick without hesitation. However, there are certain sci-fi titles that catch my atte...
At this point in history, the demonic possession sub-genre has covered all bases. For every The Exorcist, there are a dozen films that try but ultimately fall short of leaving a lasting impression. Th...
They don’t care if you think they’re too young for such scary stuff. Children in horror novels won’t go quietly to bed. They’re often the characters we remember the most an...
When you think of classic horror movies from the 1930s and 1940s, what comes to mind? For most people, it’s probably the Universal Classic Monsters. Films like Dracula, Frankenstein, and The Wo...
Spell’s hero, Marquis T. Woods (Omari Hardwick), is a bigshot lawyer getting ready for his next case—defending against a class-action lawsuit with mostly black plaintiffs—when he ...
The Night Stalker is the reason people lock their doors at night. My grandma always said, “Nothing good happens late at night,” and she was absolutely right. In fact, she remembers these...