Found Footage 3D follows a group of friends setting out to make the first found footage horror film in 3D. Naturally, the aspiring filmmakers throw caution to the wind and elect to shoot their flick i...
Following the lively, train-set werewolf movie Howl, comes another H-word flick from British filmmaker Paul Hyett in the form of Heretiks. Bravely, in a year that’s set to give us the hugely ant...
Upgrade is the sophomore feature from Aussie writer-director Leigh Whannell following 2015’s Insidious: Chapter 3, the best sequel in a franchise of increasingly diminishing returns (the less sa...
We all remember playing truth or dare in our awkward teenage years. Sweating uncontrollably when it was your turn. You were reluctant to pick dare because you were at the mercy of whatever twiste...
Before we get to the verdict The Nun, let’s start with a little backstory: Back in 2015, a then-unknown filmmaker named Corin Hardy burst onto the scene with a nifty little creature fe...
Ravers took four years to complete, which means that even when its seams start to show, the film is charming in a sweetly D.I.Y kind of way. It mattered so much to everyone involved that they schleppe...
I passed on checking out Hereditary during its theatrical run so I would be afforded the luxury of taking a break if things got too intense. And I’m glad I did. It’s a beautiful ...
Welcome to Back to the ’80s. This recurring feature aims to take a look at the good, the bad, and the ugly from horror’s most beloved decade. Regardless of which category a particul...
In 2012 I flew from Hartford to Chicago for the Association of Writers and Writing Program’s annual conference. I was a senior in college and I’d never flown alone before. The trip would...