Kill Switch revolves around Will Porter (The Guest’s Dan Stevens) a physicist and former NASA pilot, who is recruited by the company Alterplex to aid their mission to change the world by providi...
Dead West is billed as an action western following Tony (played by Jeffrey Arrington, John Freeman Story, Vicious), brother of a victim of a serial killer known only as The Ladykiller (Brian Sut...
In the wake of another terrorist attack on American soil that devastates the Pentagon, a private military contractor named Kyle Norris, develops a neurological weapon that will redefine how war is wag...
Natalie Burn’s action-packed thriller, Awaken features Burn as Billie, a young woman searching for her sister. Her exploration leads her to Mexico where her sister disappeared. Billie awakens on...
New on Netflix is a weekly feature appearing every Friday, listing all of the week’s newest genre film related additions to everyone’s favorite streaming service–and just in time ...
I thoroughly enjoyed Spike Lee’s “reimagining” of the Park Chan-Wook cult classic Oldboy, which was originally loosely based on a late 1990s Japanese manga series. This remake tel...