Fried Barry is based on the 2017 short film of the same name. South African director Ryan Kruger expanded the original short into his first full-length feature film effort, currently showing at Fantas...
Unearth is a horror movie about fracking but it’s actually much drier than that description would suggest. The film, co-directed by John C. Lyons and Dorota Swies from a script credited to Lyon...
As scary as sleep paralysis, intense nightmares, etc. are there are very few horror movies that actually deal with these conditions effectively; Sleep (or Schlaf, auf Deutsch) looks set to cha...
Woman Of The Photographs opens with a reflection in a shop window, a small photo studio in an unspecified Japanese city. Sai (Hideki Nagai), the owner and only photographer, steps out to clean the gla...
As many undead hordes as have shuffled across screens in the past two decades, Lars Damoiseaux’s Yummy is likely the only one created with the assistance of the VAF, a Flemish arts grant usually...
The Columnist is one of the North American premiers at Fantasia Fest 2020, and with its timely take on the occupational hazards for female identified creatives on the Internet, particularly relatable ...
Climate Of The Hunter is the latest feature from the incredibly prolific Mickey Reece, who has described his directorial style as “people talking in rooms”. That certainly applies to Clima...
If it looks too good to be true, it probably is. That’s the premise for David Marmor’s new horror film, 1BR, which will be premiering at Fantasia International Film Festival July 18th.&#...