At the 2016 E3 convention, the playable teaser for the new Resident Evil game, Resident Evil 7 or Resident Evil Biohazard, was revealed to be open to all players. Long-time fans of the franchise, alon...
We live in a world where a film can be made based off of absolutely anything. Angry Birds is already on its way and the Emoji Movie won’t be too far behind that. Some of these, l...
[soliloquy id=”9094″] Recently we brought you the news that NECA would be releasing a Friday the 13th video game replica mask and today we are happy to share an advance look...
[soliloquy id=”9094″] The Friday the 13th NES game is perhaps more popular today than it ever was upon its initial release. People have recently come to embrace just how awesomel...
[soliloquy id=”9094″] The Friday the 13th NES game is perhaps more popular today than it ever was upon its initial release. People have recently come to embrace just how awesomely bad...