With his sophomore feature The Unheard, filmmaker Jeffery A. Brown cements himself as a promising directorial voice in the indie horror world. The contemplative horror follows a young deaf woman named...
With his latest movie, Malum, indie filmmaker Anthony DiBlasi returns to the world he first established in 2014’s fan favorite shocker Last Shift. This time around, DiBlasi has a larger scope, ...
A filmmaker deciding to reboot their own movie less than a decade after it originally came out is an unorthodox idea, to say the very least. But Anthony DiBlasi has never played by the rules, with his...
The myth of the fear dearg (pronounced like “far darrig”) aka red cap or, more literally, red man, is prolific in Irish mythology. Much like the fairies who hide in the woods so they can...
There’s a lot to love in writer/director Gabriel Biers Gislason’s feature film debut, the queer romantic horror Attachment. That’s both a general critical assessment and a summati...
Kids today will never know the joy of the weekly video store visit. When I was in middle school, my entire week revolved around which VHS cassettes and Playstation games I was going to rent Friday nig...
Following hot on the heels of 5-Cream is M3GAN, the latest bizarro offering from Malignant and Hell Fest co-writer Akela Cooper. Unlike those movies, however, this sci-fi shocker is rated PG-13 (15A i...
2019’s Scare Package was a fabulously gory and hilariously funny revelation from creative duo Aaron B. Koontz and Cameron Burns that made V/H/S look like the pretentious waffle it is while furt...
The premise of Influencer, Kurtis David Harder’s highly-anticipated follow-up to his chilling queer horror Spiral, will make you think twice about sharing photos of your face online. Hell, it m...