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Independent productions

Bad Ben film series

The ‘Bad Ben’ Series by Nigel Bach is the Film Experience You’ve Been Waiting for

I love independent cinema. There is something so awe-inspiring about people without Hollywood connections or multi-million dollar budgets picking up a camera and running with an idea. Despite the lack...

The House on Mansfield Street

The House on Mansfield Street Magnificently Captures the Uncanny [Review]

The House on Mansfield Street from Mansfield Dark Productions (see my interview here) follows Nick, a documentarian who moves to a smaller city to advance his career. After moving to a quiet apartment...

Mansfield Dark Productions

Independent Horror Check! A Chat With Mansfield Dark Productions [Interview]

During Thanksgiving, my brother and I were perusing Amazon Prime movies and came across Mansfield Dark Productions’ The Investigation: A Haunting in Sherwood. After watching countless movie...