There is often more to a beloved icon than meets the eye. In his 2011 autobiography, Unmasked: The True Life Story of the World’s Most Prolific Cinematic Killer, stuntman and actor Kane Hod...
After a great deal of uncertainty as to when it would see a stateside release, Charlie’s Farm has finally landed on DVD in the US. It hits stores today and we have the lowdown on...
Noteworthy Heroines of Horror is a recurring segment on Wicked Horror where we shine the spotlight on a female character from the annals of horror history that has made a significant contribution to t...
Kids today can be more viscous than you might expect. They’ve become desensitized to violence and sex, and some even participate in very-adult activities without fear of consequences. People ma...
It’s become commonplace for an actor to write a tell-all autobiography once they become famous enough and decide they have enough interesting stories in their life to warrant one. Horror stars ...
The currently in production horror trilogy Muck is gearing up for the release of the first installment in the franchise (which is actually being described as the second installment...
The currently in production horror trilogy Muck is gearing up for the release of the first installment in the franchise (which is actually being described as the second installment...
The currently in production horror trilogy Muck is gearing up for the release of the first installment in the franchise (which is actually being described as the second installment ...
Fan favourite Adam Green speaks to Joey Keogh about fans, flicks and the importance of being treated like a normal human being at festivals. Adam Green has always been a horror fan’s filmmaker....