The Halloween franchise has lasted multiple decades and remains incredibly successful. Many actors have donned the Michael Myers Mask and the character is one of the most infamous antagonist...
Halloween is an ancient holiday, a day dedicated to celebrating the dead. We dress up in costumes, carve pumpkins, and trick-or-treat for candy. It doesn’t matter if you are an adult or a child...
Halloween III showed a perfect willingness to move on from the story of Michael Myers. Producers John Carpenter and Debra Hill felt that if the franchise had to continue, the best course of action wou...
While Halloween II is consistent with the first and is overall a very similar film, it was made in a completely different climate and that surely has an effect on the movie itself. This was made the s...
The Halloween franchise has seen several novelizations and tie-ins over the years. But the strangest on paper might be the decision to turn Halloween into a Young Adult book series in 1997. When you l...
When Dimension Films acquired the rights to the Halloween franchise and made The Curse of Michael Myers, people weren’t really sure what to make of it. It was a jumbled, often incoherent movie ...
Rob Zombie’s Halloween (2007) remains one of the most widely, and viciously, despised remakes of all time – despite how The Thing (2011) threw out its finely-tuned practical effects in f...
After the release of the Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers Producer’s Cut, the masses finally had the chance to see the elusive version few had ever laid eyes on. The cut had been notorious...
When 2018’s Halloween was released, director David Gordon Green gave fans of the series a fresh pair of eyes, doing away with the familial twist that had previously backed the slasher franchise...