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Monster Movies

Alligator 1980

Why Alligator is a Jaws Ripoff that Works Way too Well

Jaws opened up the door for dozens, if not hundreds of imitators. It makes sense when you think about it. Jaws created the blockbuster, after all. It was the first major box office hit of that magnitu...

The Gingerdead Man

Why the Gingerdead Man deserves more respect than it gets

Now, let’s be honest. I am not going to sit here and try to tell you that the Gingerdead Man is the greatest piece of cinema that has been created within the last twenty years or that is the best holi...

Movie Monsters That Should Take the Reigns Once Zombie Mania is Over

When zombies returned with huge success in the mid-2000’s, I couldn’t have been happier. They were a staple of the genre, after all, a cornerstone in the pantheon of movie monsters. Zombies were parti...

Digging up the Marrow is Scary Fun [Review]

In Digging up the Marrow, horror filmmaker Adam Green (Hatchet) is compelled to definitively prove or disprove the existence of monsters when he is approached by William Dekker (Ray Wise of The Aggres...

Deadly Spawn poster 1983

From The Thing To The Deadly Spawn: Whatever Happened to Aliens as Movie Monsters?

Sure, aliens pretty much hold a corner on the market in the science fiction genre, but they have also been a mainstay of the horror genre since its inception. Of course, the biggest surge in movies ab...

Portal to Hell logo.

Roddy Piper Starring Portal to Hell Lands Distribution!

The short film Portal to Hell has attracted a distributor based off the strength of its IndieGoGo campaign. The project has yet to reach its funding goal but there is still over a week left to donate ...

Trespassers Will Be Violated: Revisiting Scarecrows

Scarecrows was an almost entirely forgotten 1980’s horror movie until it was released on DVD a couple years ago. Now it’s gained a bit of a cult following and is gearing up fro a Blu-Ray release via S...

Another movie poster from the rebooted 2014 Godzilla movie written by Max Borenstein and Dave Callaham.

Godzilla Writer Scripting The Sequel!

[soliloquy id=”2354″] The team behind this summer’s monster blockbuster will be rejoining for its sequel! Godzilla may have divided audiences but the reboot by Warner Bros. and Legendary P...

The new king kong movie skull island starring Tom Hiddleston.

King Kong Spin-Off Skull Island Scheduled for 2016!

Legendary Entertainment’s Skull Island is getting ready to roar! Jordan Vogt-Roberts (The Kings of Summer) will direct a script written by Max Borenstein (Godzilla). The film will be follow-up to the ...