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pyschological thriller

Did High Tension Ape Intensity?

The Intensity of High Tension: A Look at Plagiarism in Horror

In a time of remakes, reboots, re-imaginings and so forth, the genre fan has a narrowed selection in terms of originality. This debatable lack of creativity divides audiences on a regular basis. Wheth...

Back to the ’80s: Heathers

Welcome to Back to the ’80s. This recurring feature aims to take a look at the good, the bad, and the ugly from horror’s most beloved decade. Regardless of which category a particular film falls under...

Looking at Hulu’s The Handmaid’s Tale Through the Eyes of Feminist Horror

If you are not watching The Handmaid’s Tale, then I urge you to begin to do so immediately. In lieu of any plot synopsis or spoiler warnings, I will shamelessly urge you to read my previous article lo...

Stranger Things

Review: Stranger Things Yields Satisfying Results

This is the second part to a review of Stranger Things. If you have not yet watched the show, I would recommend reading the earlier review first that focuses on the first two episodes of the show. Thi...

The Boy

Review: The Boy Knows When to Break the Rules

A film in the vein of such doll-come-to-life films as Pin and Child’s Play, The Boy follows the story of a nanny traveling to the United Kingdom to take care of a new charge. However, once she arrives...