Director Nicolas Pesce’s new film Piercing is an adaptation of the Ryu Murakami novel of the same name, the twisting story of a man with sinister intentions who hires a call girl hoping to fulf...
The Final Wish is set to release January 24 in select theaters. The story follows a young man named Aaron, played by Michael Welch, who is down on his luck. Aaron is forced to return to his homet...
In the underground horrorcore hip hop scene, few bands have been able to make a mark as quickly as Ohio’s Alla Xul Elu have. The unholy pairing of Alla Xul Elu’s Billy Obey, Joe Black and ...
Wicked Horror had the good fortune to chat with the ultra-talented and ever-versatile Lin Shaye while she was making the press rounds for her new feature film, The Final Wish. In the film, which ...
Nick Castle will always be horror royalty for having played the iconic role of Michael Myers (AKA The Shape) in John Carpenter’s seminal Halloween. His performance as the iconic villain has nev...
Wicked Horror recently had the occasion to sit down with famed production designer and art director, Mick Strawn. Strawn has worked on a number of noteworthy genre films, ranging from Buffy ...
My introduction to Joe Bob Briggs was more than 20 years ago. I was changing channels one Saturday evening and stumbled across Troll, the 1986 cult classic about child-abducting dwarf monsters that tu...
Heather Buckley is exactly the kind of person you want consulting on your punk rock horror movie. I mean, just look at her (above). The woman screams punk rock attitude and it ain’t for show eit...
Chloe Levine made a massive splash in her debut role as lonely Sophie in moody vampire movie The Transfiguration. Her follow up couldn’t be more different, as wild party girl Chelsea in The...