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New on Netflix

New on Netflix: March 4th, 2015

New on Netflix is a weekly feature here at Wicked Horror where we take a look at the latest additions to everyone’s favorite streaming service. It can be tough sifting through all those horror ...

The Omen Prequel

Why The Omen Franchise Does Not Get the Love it Deserves

With the TV series Damien around the corner, there’s no better time to revisit the classic franchise on which it’s based. The Omen is, of course, a classic horror film. People love it. I...

The Conjuring 2 - State of Fear - Conjuring 2 Banner Poster

Five Things We Learned About James Wan on the Set of The Conjuring 2

While on the set of The Conjuring 2, we learned a great deal about the film’s visionary director, James Wan. Although we didn’t actually get the opportunity to speak much with Wa...

haunted objects from the world feature

Seven of the Most Haunted Objects from Around the World

A haunting occurs when a ghost or other supernatural being refuses to move on after death, instead choosing to dwell among the living in some way. Whether you are a believer ghosts or not, some o...

The Conjuring 2 - State of Fear - Conjuring 2 Banner Poster

Set Visit Report: Secrets From the Set of The Conjuring 2

After a forty minute shuttle ride from Los Angeles, a gaggle of journalists find themselves in one of the many shooting locations for The Conjuring 2, James Wan’s follow-up to his wildly succes...


Interview: Damien’s Glen Mazzara on the Catholic Church and Creating the Antichrist

A&E gave us the opportunity to speak with Glen Mazzara, the creator, executive producer, and showrunner of their new program Damien. The series follows Damien Thorn, the young boy from&#...

New on Netflix

New on Netflix: February 26, 2016

New on Netflix is a weekly feature here at Wicked Horror where we take a look at the latest additions to everyone’s favorite streaming service. It can be tough sifting through all those horror ...

American Horror story mansion up for rent at airbnb.

Want to Stay at the Actual American Horror Story Murder House? Here’s How!

Thanks to Airbnb, American Horror Story fans can check into the home where Ryan Murphy’s American Horror Story: Murder House was filmed! The LA mansion was constructed in either ...


Seven Real Life Haunted Dolls to Avoid Playing With!

All of us have come into contact with a doll at some point in our lives, and while most of them are harmless, it’s when they take on a life of their own that one must watch their back...