The 1980s is generally considered to be the golden age of slasher movies. Following the success of John Carpenter’s seminal classic Halloween (released in 1978), studios tried to capitalise on m...
[soliloquy id=”1613″] It’s hard to believe that Brad Anderson’s Session 9 is almost fifteen years old. Many of the horror films from the era in which it was made have not sto...
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise has always been a rocky one at best. There’s not really a direct sequel in the whole bunch. Save for a prequel to the 2003 remake, most of them offer up to...
Translating a video game into a successful film is not an easy task. Whether this is due to the length of most games clocking in at well over 10 hours or simply the differences in how the mediums pres...
In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, we are taking a look back at the origins of Leprechaun and how it almost became a children’s film. Leprechaun was one of the biggest B-Mo...
E.L. James’ novel Fifty Shades of Grey was such an enormous success that it’s making its way to the screen today. This film will surely be a major box office success. It’s bei...
[soliloquy id=”19231″] Tremors is celebrating its twenty-fifth anniversary this year, which makes it a great time to look back on the original film to see what made it so special. It has s...
[soliloquy id=”18114″] My Bloody Valentine 3D is an important movie, maybe even in spite of itself. However, for me to properly explain why, you need to come on a journey with me. Allow me...
[soliloquy id=”18936″] They Live is the most overtly political film John Carpenter ever made, and that’s saying something, as most of the director’s work touches on politi...