XLrator Media has just announced that they have secured US distribution rights to the Ali Larter thriller The Diabolical. The company will be distributing the film via their genre film focus...
The currently in production horror trilogy Muck is gearing up for the release of the first installment in the franchise (which is actually being described as the second installment ...
According to The Columbus Dispatch, Sheila Kearns, a substitute teacher is on trial and facing a possible five year prison sentence for showing the 2012 anthology horror film The ABC’s of D...
XLrator Media has reached out to let us know that their serial killer thriller Poker Night will be hitting DVD and Blu-ray next month. Full details after the break. Head inside and take a lo...
We have a new trailer and a brand new one sheet in support of the upcoming release of the action-horror hybrid Wyrmwood. Head inside for your first look at the newly debuted trailer. One she...
We have just received word from our A&E rep that Bates Motel will indeed make its return to television in March. We have the official details on the series’ third season premiere a...
The neo-grindhouse action thriller VANish is officially headed for DVD and Blu-ray. We have the release date details and more for you after the break! So, head in and take a look. Keep ...
Tales of Halloween, a title that we have been eagerly following, has made a series of major announcements today. We are pleased to share the full cast lineup, cameos, and vignette titles. Head in...
Check out a brand new trailer for the upcoming dark comedy The Voices below. It features star Reynolds and his chatty pets. I commented yesterday that there appeared to be a severed head on ...