Ava is a young woman who is struggling to make amends and repent for things she did while possessed. Writer Jordan Galland created a universe where demonic and spiritual possession is such a comm...
Advances in graphic design technology have led to disaster movies looking, if not more realistic, much bigger and more destructive than ever before. No longer will we have to wonder what the Statue Of...
When a trio of ruffians breaks into what they think is an empty home, they are confronted by a young woman suffering from severe agoraphobia. What they aren’t expecting is for her to turn the ta...
Welcome to Cult Corner where we dive through the bargain bins to determine if a movie is trash or treasure. Today’s pick… Master P’s Don’t Be Scared. Don’t Be Scared i...
Have you ever watched a movie that isn’t quite horrific, but it still makes shift in your seat? Well, that perfectly describes Michael Thelin’s psychological thriller Emelie. The film...
In the wake of another terrorist attack on American soil that devastates the Pentagon, a private military contractor named Kyle Norris, develops a neurological weapon that will redefine how war is wag...
Hollywood disaster movies have clearly influenced foreign filmmakers. Norway’s The Wave is concrete proof of that. You’ve got a hunky scientist whose warnings of imminent danger fall on ...
When Ed was a young boy, he accidentally shot and killed his mother while trying to clean his father’s (Big Ed) gun. Now an adult, Ed and five of his college friends head to his father̵...
Welcome to Cult Corner where we dive through the bargain bins to determine if a movie is trash or treasure. Today’s pick: Richard Friedman’s Doom Asylum. Mitch Hansen is happier than he&#...