We’ve finally arrived at the end of this run for Angel & Faith. While Buffy seems a surefire bet for season eleven, there’s been no word on whether or not Angel & Faith will get ...
The last grain of sand in the hourglass has drained, and the final issue of Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club 2 has arrived. There aren’t many explosions, save for the first few pages, but th...
Four cops are summoned to an abandoned police station in a small town when a fellow officer calls for backup. When the policemen arrive on the scene, things immediately get strange but the longer they...
Horror movies often spawn numerous fan-made creations, from clothing to fan fiction to art and games. But the most impressive, to me, are the people who love the films so much that they try to create ...
In 2001, Scottish director Neil Marshall released Dog Soldiers, a much needed film that breathed fresh life into the werewolf sub-genre. While it had its U.S. premiere on the Sci-Fi (now SyFy) Channel...
An Unattractive Vampire is the tale of a centuries-old vampire named Yulric Bile, who is awakened after being trapped underground (in a house) for three-hundred years. He finds that the world has chan...
I have a difficult relationship with punk rock; love the music, hate the insufferable elitists so often involved with it. A group of some such loathsome types are the focal point of Green Room, Jeremy...
The ‘70s and ‘80s were a time when horror was focused heavily on pushing boundaries, especially in the foreign market. Films like Cannibal Holocaust, Cannibal Ferox, Salome and most of t...
That big ‘Z’ in Jeruzalem is worrisome. A zombie movie set in the holy city? Prepare your Zombie Jesus jokes (if, indeed, there are any left that haven’t been done to death–no ...