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Civilization being caressed by cannibals in Eli Roth's Green Inferno.

Review: The Green Inferno

Eli Roth (Hostel, Cabin Fever) is a pretty divisive figure in the horror community. Some treat him like the second coming of Wes Craven, while others write him off as a flash in the pan tort...


Hellions [Frightfest 2015 Review]

Decent Halloween-themed movies are hard to come by. Aside from the classics like Halloween, Trick ‘r’ Treat and Hocus Pocus, there isn’t much in the way of modern holiday-themed f...

Fight Club 2 - Comic

Comic Review: Fight Club 2, Issue 5

Sebastian should be no stranger to grief, yet somehow, denial always seems to catch the protagonist off guard. Issue Five of Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club 2 draws heavy attention to a jarring la...

Comic Review: Hellboy in Hell 8:Hounds of Pluto Part 2

Hellboy in Hell #8: Hounds of Pluto Part 2 was an issue I was eagerly awaiting. It pains me to say this, but it didn’t live up to my expectations. Although Mike Mignola’s artwork was ...

Landmine Goes Click

Frightfest 2015 Review: Landmine Goes Click

Introducing his movie Landmine Goes Click, to a curious Frightfest audience, Georgian writer-director Levan Bakhia offered just one sentence as a precursor for what we were about to watch: “A gu...

Advance Comic Review: Hellbound

Hellbound is one of those horror graphic novels that poses more questions than it answers at first glance. The cover looks like a painting from the VHS boxes of my childhood rather than some...

Book Review – The Killing Lessons by Saul Black

The Halloween season is just around the corner, and most horror fans will probably be revisiting their favorite films to celebrate. But why not change things up this year and delve into the mind of au...

10 to midnight

Review: 10 to Midnight Blu-ray (Twilight Time)

A serial killer (who kills totally naked) is placing lewd phone calls, killing, and generally causing problems for policeman Leo Kessler (Charles Bronson) and his partner. The pair must keep thei...

Cult Corner: Bone Eater

Welcome to Cult Corner where we dive through the bargain bins to determine if a movie is trash or treasure. Today’s pick… Jim Wynorski’s Bone Eater. These TV movies are going to kil...