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True Terror with Robert Englund

True Terror with Robert Englund is a Modern Classic With a Campy Edge [Review]

The Travel Channel’s True Terror with Robert Englund is an ominous ode to similar shows of the past. True Terror exudes the same emotions as cult classics such as Unsolved Mysteries and Beyond B...

The Witch

The Witch: Part 1 — The Subversion’s Action is Derailed by a Passive Start [Blu-ray Review]

The Witch: Part 1 — The Subversion opens with Ja-Yoon (played by Kim Ha-Na as a child, Da-mi Kim as an adult) escaping a facility. It’s never made clear who exactly owns or runs this fac...

Little Joe is a Little Disappointing [DVD Review]

Would you rather be happy or yourself? Jessica Hausner’s Little Joe asks viewers to ponder that, and other philosophical questions. What defines the self? How much of what you do is by choice, ...

A Quiet Place

A Quiet Place Will Make You Scream [Steelbook Review]

Like Scream and It Follows, A Quiet Place opens with what would be an excellent standalone short film. After a “Day 89” title card, the camera is alone in a destroyed pharmacy. A set of ...

Will Forte and Maeve Higgins in Extra Ordinary

Extra Ordinary is the Irish What We Do in the Shadows [Review]

Forgive the clickbait-y title but there will be those who see the poster or trailer for Extra Ordinary and think it’s not up their alley because it looks like a fussy indie drama when, really, t...

Butcher of Paris

The Butcher of Paris #4 “Liberté” [Comic Review]

The Butcher of Paris #4 “Liberté” is the best issue in the series thus far with one remaining. It opens with a beautiful splash page where the citizens of Paris liberate their city,...

The Fifth Cord

Giallo Madness: The Fifth Cord

Giallo Madness is a recurring segment where Wicked Horror managing editor Tyler Doupe’ looks back on a noteworthy giallo from years past and makes a case for why it should be on your radar...

Haley Bennett in Swallow red

Swallow is an Impressively Odd Tale of a Troubled Woman [Review]

With a title like Swallow, you hardly expect subtlety. And yet the debut feature from writer-director Carlo Mirabella-Davis is brimming with stylish, low-key flourishes. The first image is the back of...

Elisabeth Moss in The Invisible Man

The Invisible Man is the First Great Horror Movie of 2020 [Review]

Universal’s fated Dark Universe began and ended with the baggy, listless, Tom Cruise-starring The Mummy, leading nobody to believe another creature from that pack, The Invisible Man, could prop ...