The Walking Dead Season 9 finds survivors of the zombie apocalypse at war and the infamous Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), with another set of problems that do not moan and cannot be brutalized with a ba...
The Rabid Dog’s House is a recurring feature at Wicked Horror where contributor Justin Steele uncovers hidden gems, lost classics, and overlooked indie offerings. Flying solo or with the o...
In Silent Night, a small, midwestern town Sheriff discovers that a vigilante maniac in a Santa suit has set off on a murder spree. The madman is killing off the residents of the town that he deems ill...
Giallo Madness is a recurring segment where Wicked Horror managing editor Tyler Doupe’ looks back on a noteworthy giallo from years past and makes a case for why it should be on your radar....
Synthwave composer Protector 101 is back to the delight of fans and synth aficionados everywhere. Recently, the artist dropped his latest album Killbots to favorable reviews by listeners. With an ever...
Mondays are normally a drag. Lucky for us AMC has the perfect remedy for that. The long-awaited second season of Terror, this time called The Terror: Infamy, has arrived, bringing viewers a grim ...
She Could Fly:The Lost Pilot #5 is a rare dud in what’s been an excellent series. It’s the second arc’s finale and it does have some stellar moments: characters you wouldn’...
Cuban horror film ¿Eres tú, papá? (a.k.a. Is That You?), reveals itself with a slow, dirge-like crawl. While its simple story – of an impoverished family tormented by their abusi...
The Reflecting Skin is the kind of movie that you’ll Google as soon as you’ve finished. People have been talking about it, trying to decipher, since it came out in 1990. So much happens ...