Home » Frightfest 2015: Special Guests Revealed

Frightfest 2015: Special Guests Revealed

Not content with boasting the most mouth-watering line-up of horror flicks imaginable, Frightfest has just announced the special guests for this year’s festival and, suffice to say, be prepared to nerd the hell out.

First up, Horror Icon Barbara Crampton is the festival’s special guest icon, with no less than four movies included on the Frightfest 2015 schedule. Of attending for the very first time, Crampton said:

“it has been on my radar for some time and to be included and have four films screening is a welcome nightmare from which I hope never to wake”

You can catch Crampton in We Are Still Here, Road Games, Sun Choke and, of course, Tales Of Halloween. The hugely-anticipated anthology is well-represented at this year’s festival, with directors Neil Marshall, Axelle Carloyn and Mike Mendez all scheduled to appear alongside Crampton, while We Are Still Here director Ted Geoghegan is also attending along with his lead actress.

Directors are out in force this year, with Candyman helmer Bernard Rose attending, with his new Frankenstein reboot; opening film Cherry Tree’s David Keating; Banjo‘s Liam Regan, AAAAAAAAAAH! director and star Steve Oram; The Hallow‘s Corin Hardy, who’s also slated for The Crow remake; and 14-year-old wunderkind French director, Nathan Ambrosioni who, as the organisers noted, cannot legally watch his own movie, Hostile.

Barbara Crampton in We Are Still Here screening at Frightfest

A host of familiar faces will be returning to the festival this year, including Anthony Di Blasi, who stormed the boards at Frightfest 2013 with the brooding Missionary and this time around showcases A Most Likely Way To Die; Adam Mason and Hangman; Ford Brother, Howard, with Never Let Go and Worry Dolls director Padraig Reynolds.

Stars set to set the red carpet alight include The Mighty Boosh‘s Noel Fielding, attending for AAAAAAAAAH!; X-Factor alumnus Diana Vickers for Awaiting; J. La Rose and Castille Landon for Wind Walkers; The Human Centipede 2 & 3‘s Laurence R. Harvey, and Stalled‘s Dan Palmer, for Banjo; and Hammer Horror legend Caroline Munro for Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter, which is part of the festival’s super-popular retrospective arm.

The line-up is also stacked with key producers including; Sarah Howden for Deathgasm; Junyong Jang and Guillaume Benski for Road Games; producer/co-writer Carys Edwards for Curtain and Contracted: Phase 2 scribe Craig Walendziak, among others.

Wicked Horror will be hanging out on the red carpet all weekend to catch the big names, for in-depth chats about all the top horror movies you’ll be watching over the next year. If you’re attending the festival, loiter in the lobby long enough and you, too, might just catch a famous face, stocking up on popcorn before the next screening.

Frightfest takes place from August 27th – 31st at the Vue cinema, Leicester Square. Tickets will be available from the festival website from July 4th, priced at £185, where you can also check out the full line-up in all its glory. Wicked Horror will be there in August to bring you all the need-to-know reviews, news and interviews direct from the festival.

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Written by Joey Keogh
Slasher fanatic Joey Keogh has been writing since she could hold a pen, and watching horror movies even longer. Aside from making a little home for herself at Wicked Horror, Joey also writes for Birth.Movies.Death, The List, and Vague Visages among others. Her actual home boasts Halloween decorations all year round. Hello to Jason Isaacs.
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