Home » Green Inferno Still Tied Up in Legal Battle

Green Inferno Still Tied Up in Legal Battle

Civilization being caressed by cannibals in Eli Roth's Green Inferno.

Poster for Eli Roth's The Green Inferno.

Eli Roth recently spoke with IGN about his yet to be released cannibal horror film Green Inferno. And realistically, he didn’t have much to say that we haven’t already heard but he did get a little more in depth with what the process of getting the film released has looked like. 

When the conversation turned to Green Inferno, Roth told the outlet the following:

“No there’s not [any updates], but I will say this: All I hear on Twitter and Facebook – no matter what I Tweet now, people say ‘Yeah shut up, where’s Green Inferno?’ Trust me when I say there are no less than four lawyers from different companies on conference calls and email chains every single day trying to work this out,” Roth revealed. “I was hoping to have it resolved today or by Monday so we could do something to hopefully have it out this summer. That’s what everyone’s working towards. To have it out August or September. But I was 90 days out from a release, there was a trailer and posters in theatres, and it got pulled. So please don’t hold me to anything, but trust me when I say everybody is all over it working it out.”

Roth went on to reassure the site that a resolution is near…he thinks.

“We’re at the one-yard line, but I’ve also been there before so I don’t want to say anything, but I just thank everyone for their patience and understanding. And it really helps when people Tweet ‘Please release it, please release it’ – it keeps the fire burning, but everyone is working to resolve it.”

The Green Inferno was pulled from Worldview Entertainment’s release calendar due to an issue with their former CEO’s commitment to provide $3.7 million for Prints and Advertising and without that funding in place, the fate of The Green Inferno was left hanging in the balance.

This marks Roth’s first feature film directorial effort since Hostel Part II. But the wait seems to be worth it. The Green Inferno has been garnering primarily positive reviews on the festival circuit. Rest assured that we will keep you apprised when more details inevitably roll in on this project. In the meantime, let us know your thoughts in the comments box below!

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Written by Tyler Doupé
Tyler Doupe' is the managing editor at Wicked Horror. He has previously penned for Fangoria Mag, Rue Morgue Mag, FEARnet, Fandango, ConTV, Ranker, Shock Till You Drop, ChillerTV, ComingSoon, and more. He lives with his husband, his dog, and cat hat(s).
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