Home » Protect the Recipe: Robocop and KFC?

Protect the Recipe: Robocop and KFC?

As Robocop fans anxiously await their favorite crime fighting cyborg’s return to the silver screen in director Neill Blomkamp’s upcoming sequel, Robocop Returns, they were recently treated to a series of Kentucky Fried Chicken commercials starring the future of law enforcement.

In a series of 3 new commercials, we find our hero Col. Robocop protecting not the innocent, but Colonel Sander’s original recipe and shilling for KFC’s 5 Dollar Fill Up box meals. While watching the commercials one finds themselves amused and bewildered at the same time.

One of the few saving graces for the ad campaign is that they were able to get actor Peter Weller to don his armor once again. Weller has not portrayed his signature character since 1990’s Robocop 2. I got a bit nostalgic for my childhood seeing Weller and hearing his voice, as that is the only Robocop I know and accept.

My only complaint after watching these spots was Robocop was never meant to be a comedy property. The original was a violent satire of the 1980’s and Reganomics. It was the story of a man who struggled with finding his humanity after being melded with a machine.

My hope is that after this, Weller will seriously consider returning to the franchise and giving Robocop another shot. If Jaime Lee Curtis can do it for Halloween (2018) and give the fans what they want, hopefully Peter Weller can too.

See Also Robocop: Back On Duty Soon To Protect the Innocent

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Written by Aaron Posey
Hailing from the great state of Ohio, Aaron Posey was raised on a steady diet of Ghostbusters, Unsolved Mysteries, and classic slasher films. He possess a plethora of useless horror knowledge that he is dying to unleash on the world. He can carry on a conversation using nothing but movie quotes and can liken any situation to an episode of The Simpsons. He is always on the lookout for up-and-coming horror related bands and music. His crowning achievement in life is his brief appearance in the Halloween: 25 Years of Terror documentary.
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