Home » Church of Xul delivers occult goodness [Album Review]

Church of Xul delivers occult goodness [Album Review]

Church of Xul

Coming off the successful run of their Billboard charting debut, Satan’s favorite hip-hop trio, Alla Xul Elu are back. Recently released, Church of Xul is a seven track ride through the depraved psyche of Alla Xul Elu’s Billy Obey, Lee Carver and Joe Black.

The album opens with the aptly titled Welcome. During a conversation between 3 men, you learn they are outside an old abandoned church. The listener is then informed that several bodies were found in the church and the killers are still on the loose. Meanwhile a disembodied voice beckons you to enter the Church of Xul.

See Also: Alla Xul Elu Drops By For a Chat [Exclusive]

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The album progresses, one sinister track after another, you almost feel wrong for grooving to lyrics such as “Why you’re here is no mystery, faith feeds off your misery.”  In the vein of their debut album The Almighty, Church of Xul continues with the blasphemous and murderous adventures of the three grotesquely masked, Ohio rappers.

What I have always found interesting in Alla Xul Elu’s music is the complexity. When listening to a song a lot of things are going on under the surface. It takes a few listens to fully appreciate the track as a whole. I still find new hidden tidbits, no matter how many times I have heard a particular song before.

Church of Xul is a solid entry into Alla Xul Elu’s ever-growing discography. While their music is certainly not for everyone, those that embrace the message and group will eat up this latest, malevolent release. Who would have thought songs of madness, the occult, murder, and demons would be so enjoyable.

What makes Alla Xul Elu’s latest release so entrancing to the listener is that for a short time, you feel like you are listening to a legitimate occult sermon. The lyrical content is a vile collection of some of the most innovatively blasphemous lyrics I have heard in a long time. With most bands using the Satanic and occult themes, the gimmick runs dry quickly. But with Alla Xul Elu, I am not convinced it is only a gimmick.

Most music being churned out today is vapid nonsense. I truly appreciate Alla Xul Elu for doing something to set themselves apart in today’s crowded music scene. If I have the option of seeing some guy in a t shirt with a guitar, or 3 black clad monsters in Leatherface inspired masks, rapping about murder and Satan? The latter wins every time.

I implore you not to sleep on Church of Xul. The Black Mass has begun and Alla Xul Elu beckons you to attend. Do you dare walk the halls and hear the hymns of the Church of Xul? You can check out Alla Xul Elu on the road soon during the Generation Nightmare tour with Twiztid.

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Written by Aaron Posey
Hailing from the great state of Ohio, Aaron Posey was raised on a steady diet of Ghostbusters, Unsolved Mysteries, and classic slasher films. He possess a plethora of useless horror knowledge that he is dying to unleash on the world. He can carry on a conversation using nothing but movie quotes and can liken any situation to an episode of The Simpsons. He is always on the lookout for up-and-coming horror related bands and music. His crowning achievement in life is his brief appearance in the Halloween: 25 Years of Terror documentary.
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