Home » In Feedback, There are No Heroes [Review]

In Feedback, There are No Heroes [Review]


Feedback follows Dolan Jarvis (Eddie Marsan, Ray Donovan, The World’s End) a successful late night talk show host who discusses hard hitting political topics. In the first few minutes of his show, Jarvis discusses geopolitical issues around stolen indigenous land, stereotyping of Muslim women, and more. However, his show is cut short when he is taken prisoner by masked men who make demands of Jarvis. When he doesn’t comply, they quickly show him that they mean business. Feedback plays out as a suspenseful mystery, delightfully filled with waves of tension as the viewer tries to figure out what the hell is going on.

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First of all, Feedback is a fantastic film that had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. When I watch movies or television, it is rare that I do not do something else while watching, typically sewing or painting, as this is an extended period I can relax and also be productive. However, Feedback had my eyes fixated on my TV from start to finish. I was enthralled with the plot. I was suckered in by the excellently crafted tension and was trying to solve the mystery at the heart of the film. Therefore, I couldn’t fathom doing anything else while I was watching this riveting film. What starts as a (seemingly) typical tale of kidnapping spirals out of control and leaves the viewer with the sentiment that in Feedback, no one is a hero.


I was really impressed with the way Feedback handles violence and tension. Even as a long time horror fan, I actually found myself flinching when acts of carnage played out onscreen. It was almost too realistic. The violence in the film mirrors real life; it’s a last resort; it’s an act of passion. It’s so visceral that I almost turned away at some points. I am no stranger to the terrible things humans do, but Feedback felt so authentic that it almost felt like I was watching a real life scenario unfold.

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The film does an excellent job with the manipulation of sound. There is no over-the-top, dramatic music. Instead, some of the most intense moments are realized by way of the sound of Jarvis talking, listening to instructions, and listening to his captors talk. This is all layered together and creates a discombobulation that made my heart race. The brilliant use of sound overwhelms the viewer to simulate what Jarvis would be feeling at that exact moment in time and it is extremely effective.

Feedback is an excellent film experience that surprised, thrilled, and amazed me. If you are looking for a great drama film with horror and thriller elements, Feedback should be your next choice. You can check it out on DVD February 18.


Director(s): Pedro C. Alonso
Writer(s): Pedro C. Alonso, Alberto Marini
Stars: Eddie Marsan, Paul Anderson, Ivana Baquero
Release: February 18, 2020
Studio/ Production Co: Ombra FIlms, Vaca Films, Xunta De Galcia
Length: 97-Minutes
Language: English

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Written by Syl
Syl is a professional criminologist who shamelessly spends her time listening to true crime podcasts, watching horror films, and bringing real life horror to her written pieces.
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