Acting is often hit or miss in the horror genre, which is why horror fans are so eager to latch onto good performances. Horror is a great way for actors to get their start, which is why so many p...
With so many great actors known for turning in solid performances in genre work, you sometimes expect a particular performance out of an actor. While they all definitely have a wide range, you call on...
There is often more to a beloved icon than meets the eye. In his 2011 autobiography, Unmasked: The True Life Story of the World’s Most Prolific Cinematic Killer, stuntman and actor Kane Hod...
The classics are so called for a reason. The early days of horror cinema brought forth some amazing stories and visuals. But it was the performances that cemented their place in the public consciousne...
Actors play a crucial role in horror. In any movie, obviously, but horror fans really latch onto the faces on the screen. Everyone has their favorite horror actors, from the classics like Vincent Pric...