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Danay Garcia as Luciana with Nick from 'Fear the Walking Dead.'

Exclusive Interview: Danay Garcia talks AMC’s ‘Fear the Walking Dead,’ Season 2.

With the conclusion of Fear the Walking Dead’s second season earlier this year, the series cascaded into an examination of death, violence, and several cultures’ unique reaction to the undead cataclys...

Cover art for the Neon Demon by Amazon Pictures, edited.

(Exclusive) Nicolas Winding Refn on ‘The Neon Demon’: Inspiration, Extremes, and the Purpose of Cinema

Nicolas Winding Refn is no stranger to the close-knit relationship between love and violence. In Bronson, the filmmaker breathed life into the brutal and titular inmate portrayed by Tom Hardy. Drive d...

War Zone

3 Creepy Ghost Encounters From War Zones

War is one of the worst acts that human beings can wage against one another. Whether countries fight internally or externally over ideals, politics, or money, the reason never makes a difference when ...

The Other Side of the Door

‘The Other Side of the Door’ Should Probably Stay Shut

“Sometimes, dead is better…” Among the most iconic lines from terror cinema, Fred Gwynne’s delivery of this universal forewarning in Pet Sematary resonates further with a familiar and comforting grace...

Cecil Hotel

The Twisted History Of The Cecil Hotel

All throughout history, there have been locations that secure their spot in infamy thanks to their illustrious pasts. Locales such as the Amityville House, Eastern State Penitentiary the Sands Hotel i...

Fight Club 2 - Comic

Comic Review: Fight Club 2, Issue 10

The last grain of sand in the hourglass has drained, and the final issue of Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club 2 has arrived. There aren’t many explosions, save for the first few pages, but there is a thick...

Fight Club 2 - Comic

Comic Review: Fight Club 2, Issue 9

As penultimate installment emerges, Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club 2 begins to bear a bit more cohesion than previously suggested. Even then, it can still be hard to follow some of the motivations at pl...

Selfie snappers are dying to take a picture.

Death By Selfie- Dying To Take a Snap

We all love a selfie these days. Any reason to snap a self portrait and we have a camera in the palm of our hands, literally. But is it getting out of hand? These crazy deaths by selfie stats from 201...


Review – Lyle is a Tense Psychological Thriller

Leah, June, and their toddler daughter, Lyle, move into a gorgeous brownstone in Brooklyn. Leah is the stay-at-home mom who looks after Lyle. She is also pregnant with their second child. June is the ...