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Castle Freak

Seven DTV Horror Movies Way Better Than They Should Have Been

It’s a pretty standard idea that straight to video is the bottom of the barrel for horror films. Of course, things are different now. In the VOD era, filmmakers would kill for a straight to vid...

Why Paranormal Activity Owes Us One More Film

Seven Franchises That Could Benefit from Going DTV or VOD

Even today, terms like straight-to-video, DTV and VOD are regarded as dirty. They’re second-rate. Movies that get that kind of release are treated as failures before they even come out. We ...

Castle Freak

Why Castle Freak Works as a Dark Family Drama

Stuart Gordon’s first feature film, Re-Animator, was one of those rare movies that became an instant cult classic. It didn’t have a huge release. It was exhibited without an MPAA ra...

Critters 1986

Studio Schlock: Why We Needed Low-Budget Studio Horror (And Why it Disappeared)

I want to talk a bit about one of my favorite eras in horror. It’s a time that I think will sound completely alien to the horror climate we live in now, thriving as it may be. There was a lengt...

Puppet Master's Blade - Puppet Master

Stream and Stream Again: Whatever Happened to DTV Horror?

I can readily admit the usefulness of the streaming era. It would be foolish of me to say that things are not more practical or are not easier now. I think everyone can appreciate the immediacy of str...