Late Night with the Devil, an intense new horror movie from Australian writer/director sibling duo Colin and Cameron Cairnes, is a love letter to the glory days of ’70s late night television, bu...
As much as slashers get criticized for being so simple and formulaic, they are usually different enough for fans to be able to watch one after another. The Prowler, April Fool’s Day and Sleepaw...
[soliloquy id=”3375″] Directed by Spanish director Manuel Carballo and written by David Munoz, Exorcismus is a good effort at the possession genre, which I personally enjoyed. Exorcismus s...
Another great exorcism movie that I can’t believe I forgot to add to my possession picks but I do have one major flaw with it; the exorcism and other key points of the film are spoken in Polish...
Children can be frightening at the best of times – they’re loud, filthy and hyper from overdosing on sugar. These scary kids from horror movies are both the reasons why we watch them, ...