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Larry Drake

Farewell Dr. Giggles: Larry Drake Dies at 66

We have just learned that Larry Drake (Dr. Giggles) passed away in his home, yesterday. TMZ reports that the actor had recently suffered some weight-related health problems but his rep told the o...

Leprechaun Movies Worst to first

Worst to First: Ranking the Leprechaun Franchise

The Leprechaun franchise is often referred to as one of the worst horror franchises of all time. And it can get pretty rough to actually sit and marathon, as I have tried to do multiple times in the p...


Annabelle 2 Conjures an Up-and-Coming Director

We have just discovered that the planned sequel to the 2014 film Annabelle has found its director. And considering who it is, there may be hope for this follow up to a film that wasn’t...

Maximum Overdrive

From The Prom to the Sematary: Ranking Every Stephen King Movie (Part One)

We’re taking on a huge task here at Wicked Horror that nobody asked us to do. It’s massive to the point that you don’t even realize how huge until you’re right in the thick...

Nightmare on Elm Street Remake is Unfairly Hated

Why The Nightmare on Elm Street Remake is Unfairly Hated

There are a handful of sacred cows in the horror industry. From Jason Voorhes to Michael Myers to Leatherface to Pinhead. Arguably, though, none of those icons ever reached the pop culture status...

Why Beetlejuice is an unsung antihero of horror - Michael Keaton Beetlejuice - That One Time Beetlejuice Almost Went Hawaiian - Beetlejuice 2

Tim Burton Confirms Beetlejuice 2 is Ready to Roll (Updated)

In a statment to Showbiz Spy, Tim Burton revealed that Beetlejuice 2 is really happening, at long last. The director confirmed that the project had been greenlit at Warner Brothers and seems...

Wolf Creek 2005 - Mick Taylor

Wolf Creek Miniseries Teaser Trailer Hints at a Revenge Plot

We have a newly released teaser trailer in support of Greg McLean’s Wolf Creek miniseries. It gives a good idea of what the setup will be like (outlined further down) without giving an...

The Conjuring 2 - State of Fear - Conjuring 2 Banner Poster

Five Things We Learned About James Wan on the Set of The Conjuring 2

While on the set of The Conjuring 2, we learned a great deal about the film’s visionary director, James Wan. Although we didn’t actually get the opportunity to speak much with Wa...

The Conjuring 2 - State of Fear - Conjuring 2 Banner Poster

Set Visit Report: Secrets From the Set of The Conjuring 2

After a forty minute shuttle ride from Los Angeles, a gaggle of journalists find themselves in one of the many shooting locations for The Conjuring 2, James Wan’s follow-up to his wildly succes...