Home » Hereditary


Please Stop Using the Term ‘Elevated Horror’

The term ‘elevated horror’ has been frequently used in the last ten years. It refers to horror films that are thought-provoking, have deep commentary, and push artistic/cinematic boundar...


Midsommar Was a Let Down: Here’s Why

Midsommar was not the movie that I wanted, needed, or even hoped it would be. As the year 2019 wraps up and everyone is making their best and worst lists, I wanted to revisit a couple films that reall...


Nat’s Top 10 Favorite Horror Movies of 2018

While the whole decade has been great for the genre overall, 2017 saw a massive surge in both box office numbers and critical acclaim between films like It and Get Out. The latter of the two was an Os...

What Keeps You Alive

Joey’s Top 10 Of 2018

2018 was an insanely good year for horror. We’ve been experiencing something of a golden age lately, at least according to certain sects (read: snooty critics who wrongly believe the only decent...


Hereditary is a Strikingly Accurate Comment on the Destructive Power of Grief

I passed on checking out Hereditary during its theatrical run so I would be afforded the luxury of taking a break if things got too intense. And I’m glad I did. It’s a beautiful ...


Hereditary Isn’t Perfect, But We Should Still Be Glad It Exists

There’s something worrisome going on with horror fans lately. It first reared its ugly head around the time of The Witch‘s release, and it’s happening again in response to Hered...


Hereditary Is Overrated and Doesn’t Live Up To All The Hype

At this point, anytime a horror movie receives universal praise from critics, that means one of two things: Either it’s piggybacking off a hot button sociopolitical issue (why, hello there...