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Larry Fessenden

‘Brooklyn 45’ is Strongest in Its Quietest Moments [Review]

Sometimes, all you need for a film to work is to put a group of great actors in a room together and let them do their thing. Such is the case with Brooklyn 45, the latest feature from writer-director ...

Dementer Gives the Devil his Due [Review]

Dementer opens with a grainy montage. A woman is dancing naked in front of a fire. A distorted voice is babbling. There’s a close up of a dog barking. Another, or maybe the same, woman is being...


Larry Fessenden’s Depraved is His Best Directorial Effort Yet [Review]

​Horror hero Larry Fessenden makes his welcome return to the director’s chair with Depraved, which naturally he also wrote, produced, and makes a small cameo in. The flick is a Frankenste...

Banner poster for The Ranger Movie

The Ranger is Bloody, Smart, and Unpredictable [Frightfest 2018 Review]

Horror and punk rock should be better bedfellows. For whatever reason, metal tends to copulate with our beloved genre more often than its angrier, rougher cousin. Only Green Room (read our review) ...

Like Me

Like Me is a Reality-Bending and Shockingly Timely Internet Horror

Given that this moment in time is simultaneously characterised by the marginalised members of our society standing up and refusing to take any more s**t, and dumb kids with their heads stuck in their ...

Not Quite Horror: Small Crimes (2017)

Horror is evolving as a genre. Although your local multiplex is still loaded with the usual contenders, look a bit closer and you’ll find the latest drama, thriller, or crime offering is closer...

The Transfiguration Is The Latest Must-Watch, Super-Smart Horror

Horror is having a moment. Suddenly, after being considered low-brow entertainment basically since its inception, our beloved genre is heralded as smart, evocative, and worth investing one’s tim...