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A Quiet Place is the Perfect Horror Movie for Father’s Day

When most people today think about horror, the first thing that comes to mind is probably blood, guts, and monsters. Our culture often sees the genre as little more than a cesspool of violence and gor...

Miles, Becky, and two of their friends looking worried

Invasion of the Body Snatchers Is About Way More Than Just Communism

The original Invasion of the Body Snatchers is one of the most enduring classics the horror genre has to offer. It’s spawned multiple remakes, and even though many people haven’t seen it...

Fight Club 2 - Comic

Comic Review: Fight Club 2, Issue 10

The last grain of sand in the hourglass has drained, and the final issue of Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club 2 has arrived. There aren’t many explosions, save for the first few pages, but th...

Bloodsucking Bastards [Review]

Who doesn’t enjoy an action-packed horror comedy with vampire, blood, gore and slackers? Bloodsucking Bastards is a brand new horror comedy taking place in a office building. The film focus...

Michael Jackson Thriller

Top 10 Horror-themed Music Videos

Music videos are a mixed bunch. While a lot of them are nothing more than lip syncing and fish eye lenses, some artists go above and beyond. At one point in time these were the major selling points fo...

Sally of the Wasteland

Comic Review: Sally of the Wasteland, Vol. 1

In post-apocalyptic Louisiana, a fiery, feminine fusion of Ash Campbell and Lara Croft blows the head off another wild Crawgator.  Written by Victor Gishler and illustrated by Tazio Bettin, Sally...