In 2016, Asari Endou’s light novel series Magical Girl Raising Project was given a 13-episode anime adaptation. The ongoing book series, featuring illustrations by Marui-no, was first published ...
You have seen Ashley Benson in darker projects such as the hit Freeform series Pretty Little Liars and films such as Spring Breakers and Ratter, but it’s her latest project, Alone at Night, tha...
If the premise for, Kids vs Aliens, sounds familiar, that might be because it is based on Jason Eisener’s original short, Slumber Party Alien Abduction, which was featured in the anthology film...
Welcome back to New on Netflix! This week we have short list featuring a British fantasy series and a missing girl. Happy viewing! Lockwood & Co. (Season 1) The first season of Lockwood &...
Welcome back to What’s New on WHTV! This weekly list will update you on everything that is coming to Wicked Horror’s streaming counterpart, Wicked Horror TV. If you’re not aware, ...
Welcome back to New on Netflix! This week our list features a Japanese crime mystery series, a missing husband, a horror anime, Pez dispensers and a Korean sci-fi series. Happy viewing! Miu404 (Season...
Welcome back to What’s New on WHTV! This weekly list will update you on everything that is coming to Wicked Horror’s streaming counterpart, Wicked Horror TV. If you’re not aware, ...
Welcome back to New on Netflix! This week we have our first list of the new year, featuring a mystery set in the 1800’s, zombies, a true crime documentary and a missing daughter. Happy viewing! ...
Nobody expected Scare Package to be as much of a hit as it was – not least co-creator Aaron B. Koontz who, alongside collaborator Cameron Burns, re-energized the horror anthology in a time when...