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A Nightmare on Elm Street 4

‘A Nightmare On Elm Street 4’: How Freddy Became The Pop Culture Boogeyman

A Nightmare on Elm Street was a success that spread through word of mouth. It was made for very little money and was released on a limited number of screens. A Nightmare on Elm Street 2 was a hit in c...

John List Stepfather Movie Terry O'Quinn

The Facts in the Case of John List: The True Story Behind The Stepfather Film

It’s a Sunday evening on the 21st of May. Families across the United States relax and recline in front of their televisions sets awaiting the new episode of America’s Most Wanted. The television flick...

Return of the Living Dead

Why ‘Return of the Living Dead’ Is the Ultimate Punk Rock Horror Movie

Dan O’Bannon’s Return of the Living Dead is, in many ways, the 1980s horror film. It represents everything about the decade boiled down into one complete package. The movie originated afte...

Clive Barker and his impact on horror

How Clive Barker Revolutionized Kink Culture Through Horror

Clive Barker was born and raised in Liverpool, England. Though he comes from a fairly average upbringing, he became known for being anything but ordinary and would eventually revolutionize the horror ...

Making a Killing: Eight Horror Movies That Hit Big at the Box Office - Bally's - freddy vs jason. Remember that time freddy and jason squared off?

Making a Killing: Eight Horror Movies That Beat the Odds and Slayed at the Box Office

Horror movies are more of a money making genre than most people realize. It’s always thought of as a niche thing. Most of the people you talk to will say that the genre just isn’t for them. Few people...

Behind the Mask

Why Behind the Mask is Still One of the Smartest Horror Films of the Past 20 Years

It’s hard to believe that Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon is already 17-years-old. Unlike many horror films released in the 20 years, I saw this one when it was still relatively new. It was...

Jennifer’s Body May be Based on This True Story

Following its initial release in 2009, Jennifer’s Body became an immediate stand out for its bloodthirsty take on the Queen Bee troupe, eventually becoming what Roger Ebert would describe as the...

Patriotic Horror to Binge Watch This Summer. I know What You Did Last Summer Banner Image

Why ‘I Know What You Did Last Summer’ Deserves Greater Acclaim

The 1990s gave us a lot of great films. From big studio releases like Silence of the Lambs, Candyman, and Jacob’s Ladder, to smaller, more obscure releases like Castle Freak, The Ugly, and Audition. I...

‘AHH! That’s What I Call Horror!’ Is the Distilled Essence of ‘90s Culture

What do I remember, specifically, about the ’90s? Hmm… I remember seeing a folder with artwork depicting a creepy bus driver and the words “Back to school” written on it at the...