Last February, the documentary Scream, Queen! My Nightmare on Elm Street was released and examined the legacy of A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge and the life of the film’s le...
Goosebumps Rewind is a feature where we take a look back at the best (and worst) of the R.L. Stine-created youth fiction series. In the inaugural installment, we will be looking back on ‘Reveng...
The legendary film critic and B-movie aficionado talks the next season of The Last Drive-In and his vision for the future of independent film distribution Late February’s Days of the Dead conve...
The Sinners is the directorial debut of actress Courtney Paige who also penned the script, produced, and did plenty more behind the scenes to boot. The film follows a group of seven girls who have bee...
Actress Courtney Paige confidently took over the director’s chair for her debut feature, The Sinners. Focusing on a group of seven girls whose tight-knit religious community has dubbed them &#x...
Nic Cage is no stranger to the horror world having starred in films such as The Wicker Man, Vampire’s Kiss and more recently Color Out of Space and Mandy. In his latest horror film, Willyȁ...
When you think about zombie movies, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? For most people, it’s probably blood, guts, or scary fun, and for good reason. Those are often the main dra...
Plenty of movies are set in the olden times to paper over the cracks in their otherwise thin stories. Maybe, the filmmakers seem to be thinking, if there’s a TV set with a massive antenna pokin...
There’s an endless debate as to what the first slasher movie actually is. Looking back on it, I think it’s a subject that warrants further investigation. But it doesn’t do any goo...