It begins with the resurrection of a dead deer on the road, and ends with an exciting and startlingly emotional climax that will make you excited about zombie movies again. The South Korean flick Trai...
In Phantasm, a small Oregon town joins a growing number of cities that has been taken over by a grave robber known as The Tall Man. Three friends start to suspect that something is awry...
Set in 1975, 31 zeroes in on five people kidnapped in the days leading up to Halloween. They are brought to a place called Murder World where they must fight for their survival by playi...
Blair Witch was shrouded in secrecy until its world premiere at San Diego Comic-Con. It wasn’t until that very moment that it was officially revealed that the movie we thought wa...
When a pair of high school students lose their biology teacher’s cadaver, they set out on the hunt for a corpse to replace it with. Unfortunately for them and their entire town, the fellas ...
Don’t Breathe tells the story of a group of friends who attempt to burgle the home of a blind man. However, they get much more than they bargained for when the homeowner begins to display ...
When Curt’s girlfriend Julie is killed in a motorcycle accident, Curt uses top-secret military technology to reanimate Julie’s corpse. He believes that the pain of losing Julie is too much...
When a clan of satanist hippies wreaks havoc on a small town, a young boy whose family was victimized by the devil-worshiping bohemians makes the fateful decision to exact bloody revenge in gloriously...
Billed as “perhaps the most controversial documentary in history”, The Killing of America charts the brutality of American violence through the turbulent 1970s. Using the assassination o...