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I Drink Your Blood

Grindhouse Releasing Blu-Ray Review: I Drink Your Blood

When a clan of satanist hippies wreaks havoc on a small town, a young boy whose family was victimized by the devil-worshiping bohemians makes the fateful decision to exact bloody revenge in gloriously...

The Killing of America

Blu-Ray Review: The Killing of America

Billed as “perhaps the most controversial documentary in history”, The Killing of America charts the brutality of American violence through the turbulent 1970s. Using the assassination o...


Advance Review: Stan Against Evil Season 1

IFC’s latest horror comedy, Stan Against Evil is the latest in a barrage of horror comedy shows released in the last year. With the success of Ash vs The Evil Dead and horror televisio...

Buffy season 10 #30

Comic Review: Buffy Season 11 #1

I thought it was a little strange to take such a short gap between the end of season 10 and the beginning of season 11, but I’m not really ever gonna be the guy to complain about more Buffy. Th...

Monster Movies

Why Silver Bullet Could Have Been a Classic Werewolf Movie

Stephen King’s Silver Bullet certainly has its fans. It’s not one of the best adaptations of the author’s work, but it is far from the worst. There’s something almost charm...

Unboxing Horror Block

Horror Block Unboxing – October 2016

Nerd Block is a subscription mystery box that delivers geeky collectibles right to your door each month. You can choose whatever theme box you are into–there’s the Classic Block, Ar...

Advance Review: The Similars (Los Parecidos)

The Similars (Los Parecidos) written and directed by Isaac Ezban. The movie takes us to a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity, paying tribute to The Twilight Zone. Th...

Lights Out Movie - Alicia Vela-Bailey

Blu-Ray Review: Lights Out is a Smart and Scary Thriller

Lights Out tells the tale of an unknown brand of evil that manifests in total darkness. A young woman named Rebecca learns that her younger brother is experiencing the same strange and myste...

Hocus Pocus Sanderson Sisters - Eight obscure sub-genres that need to make a comeback.

Book Review – Hocus Pocus in Focus: The Thinking Fan’s Guide to Disney’s Halloween Classic

Like so many of you out there, Hocus Pocus is a movie that has been in my Halloween viewing rotation for years. The child-like spirit of the holiday oozes out of every frame of this Disney f...